Directions of Folding
Most of us tend to live our lives day to day. We approach this shared journey as a linear progression from beginning to end—from our first steps and words to our last breath and touch. Still, there are those spaces in time when we perceive life to be more than today—more than just a string of all our yesterdays. We become profoundly aware of a vertical axis intersecting the plane of our existence. Below the surface and beyond the horizon we become profoundly aware of the sacred and the eternal. The author explores these realms in this collection.
Dr. Browne’s takes the reader on an inspirational journey pf prose. Written in her style of free verse poems—like “I miss holding hands” reminds us that man’s walk with God is not always easy, but if we stay faithful it will always be beautiful. Heather captures the essence of Sin, Baptism, Prayer, Holy Communion, Tithing, Worship, Faith and Creation; giving the reader an insight of what it means to be Christian in today’s ever-changing world. She even offers up some inspiring words concerning Marriage and Death.
This book would be a great addition to any Church library or reading list as there is something for everyone, whether they are seeking answers, or looking to strengthen their Walk with God.
—Geoff “Poppa Mac” Mackay, Stories From My Side of the Campfire; Touched By the Master; Biscuits, Beans & Cowboy Coffee, a Cowboy Western Cook Book; Cap Guns & Stick Ponies, a children’s book. He is an ordained minister, Fallen but Forgiven Cowboy Ministry Inc.

Heather M. Browne is a faith-based psychotherapist and recently emerged poet, recently nominated for the Pushcart Award, published in Lost Coast Review, Lake, the Orange Room, Boston Literary Review, Page & Spine, Eunoia Review, Poetry Quarterly, The Poetry Bus, Red Fez, The Muse, An International Journal of Poetry, Deep Water Literary Journal, Electric Windmill, Maelstrom, Apeiron, mad swirl, Knot, Dual Coast and many more. Her chapbook, We Look for Magic and Feed the Hungry has been published by MCI. She won the Nantucket Poetry Competition in 2014, and was a semifinalist in Casey Shay chapbook competition. Red Dashboard released her first collection, Directions of Folding, this is her second and of faith-based poetry. Recently widowed from her love of 24 years, she lives with her 2 amazing teens, and can be found frolicking in the waves.
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