Moving Beyond Mars (Anthology): A Voice for Victims/Survivors of Abuse (sexual and domestic)
Moving Beyond Mars is not an easy read, but it is an essential read for women (and men) who have been abused, allowing them to join a larger circle where their horrid experiences are given voice, to find their voice, to know they are not alone, a circle where the beginnings of healing can begin.
Poets & Authors:
Brenda Bunting Laura Madeline Wiseman
Linda Stevenson Elizabeth Horan
Marjorie Maddox Anita Buers
Abigail Elizabeth Ottley Scott-Patrick Mitchell
Des Mannay Robbin Farr
Linda Imbler Anthony Roberts
Valda Organ Emma Woodford
Christine Baker Kate Hart Nardone
Crystal Zeller Annemarie Lockhart
Keya Acharya P.C. Vandall
E.R. Beirne Andrew Hubbard
Rebecca Bonham Elizabeth Akin Stelling
If you have poetry or a story to share, non-Fiction, please see guidelines on ‘Submissions’ page and email: for our 2019, New Years even volume II- let your voice be heard!